1. Finding a protein powder without chemical ingredients can be hard. Most contain sweeteners and even “natural flavours” are actually a chemical ingredient. If you want a pure high quality protein powder check the chemical count on the back!
2. Brown Rice Protein Powder has a similar amino acid profile to whey and is fast absorbing so it’s great after a workout. An added bonus is that it’s hypoallergenic and not genetically modified. Try That Protein’s Chirpy Chirpy Choca Mocha
3. Allergens! Allergens can be found in so many protein powders so always check which are in yours. For a totally allergen free protein try That Protein’s I Heart Pumpkin and Chia Super Protein
4. Gut problems and bloating. Protein powders can contain lactose, sweeteners and other ingredients that can cause bloating and gut issues. Try That Protein’s Blissful Raw Cacao Super Protein- the only certified low fodmap protein powder making it suitable for people with IBS and intolerances.
5. Taste! Ok this one is subjective but properly good tasting protein powder in our opinion comes from high quality and natural ingredients from nature not synthetic and artificially sweetened ones. Always check the back if pack to see what’s in there!