If medical reasons have been ruled out, what you eat can affect how full you feel and for how long.
To get off to a good start and balance blood sugar levels, a breakfast that’s high in protein, fibre and healthy fats is a great way to feel fuller, longer. In the U.K. many people fail to reach their 30g a day fibre target.
Chia Seeds swell in the stomach to help you feel fuller in a natural way. No more than *
Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, a member of the mint family which comes from Central and South America. Legend has it that the ancient Aztecs and Mayans used chia seeds as a source of energy.
A 15 g serving of Chia seeds will provide you with
2.7g Omega 3
5g of Fibre
3g of Protein
A great start to they day is a bowl of porridge with an addition of That Protein’s I Heart Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder as it’s high in plant protein, fibre and healthy fats. This vegan protein is a mild nutty tasting protein powder it is a blend of just 2 organic ingredients - pumpkin seed protein powder and organic chia seeds.
Add it to porridge smoothies or baking to help you stay fuller longer and get a fantastic boost of plant protein fibre and healthy fats.