Where did the thinking that plant proteins or vegan proteins are “incomplete” - or that we need to combine different plant proteins in one meal or snack to make it “complete” - come from? According to Michael Greger M.D. FACLM the idea that plant proteins or vegan proteins were not complete was made popular in 1975 when fashion magazine VOGUE promoted the idea of a “Protein Combining” diet.. but this idea that plant proteins were somehow “incomplete” was refuted by the US nutrition industry. The American Heart Association has published their updated advice on this topic saying: “You don’t need...
IBS Awareness month...Are you one of the 12 million people in U.K. who suffer from IBS? Could a Low FODMAP diet help?
This month (April 2020) is IBS Awareness Month. But what is IBS, are you affected by it and how can you treat It?
IBS can be triggered by food, stress and anxiety.
Symptoms include stomach distension/ bloating, cramping, constipation and diahorrea.
Less than 50% of people with symptoms seek help.
If you suffer from these symptoms you should contact your GP who will check for celiac disease and other possible diagnoses too.
Once IBS is diagnosed the next step is to understand what causes it.
that protein - Cacao Protein Balls (orange and mint recipes)
1 Cup of Dates Chocolate1 Cup of Hot Water (Blend) 2 Cups of Oat Flour 1/4 Cup of that protein - Blissful Brown Rice and Raw Cacao 1/4 Cup of Desiccated Coconut Pinch of Salt Combine all the dry ingredients, add blended date mix. Once combined split mix in half. In one half add 1 tsp mint extract and the other add 1tsp orange extract. Roll into evenly sized balls. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Top with melted dark chocolate and placed baby mint leaf on top of the mint balls and a piece of dried orange peel on the...
What is A Low Fodmap Diet?
Guest Blog by Nutritionist Rob Hobson that Protein’s Blissful Raw Cacao Organic Super Protein has just become the first and only certified low fodmap protein powder in the U.K. But what is a low fodmap diet and how can it help you ? It’s a no brainer that diet is closely linked to good health and that the food we eat can influence our risk of disease as well as impacting on mood and other factors which dictate how we feel on a day-to-day basis. Your gut and the bacteria that reside in it (your microbiota) have been shown to...
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