What is The Ketogenic Diet?
KETO RECIPE CLICK HERE What is the Keto Diet? by Top U.K. Nutritionist Rob Hobson This diet is a more extreme version of low carb and continues to be popular amongst those trying to lose weight. The premise of this diet is that if you starve the body of glucose (which is the main source of energy for all the cells in your body) it will turn to an alternative source of fuel called ketones which are derived from fat. Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. When you eat very little carbohydrate, glucose is pulled from...
What is the “Satiety Index” and why could it be important for you ?
What is the “Satiety Index” and why could it be important for you ?
For those who aren’t familiar with the “satiety index” it’s a rating of foods based on how satisfied and full you feel after eating a 240 cal portion. The fuller you feel the higher that food scores in the satiety index.
More Accolades for That Protein!
More Accolades for That Protein!
It has been announced that Award Winning Vegan Nutrition Company That Protein’s Chirpy Chirpy Choca Mocha Organic Super Protein is a finalist in three categories at this year’s prestigious Nourish Awards.
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