Could You Have a Magnesium Deficiency?
A survey of 6000 people in U.K. by mineral check showed 70% of people had a mineral deficiency. Do you suffer from tiredness and fatigue, muscle spasms, low mood, irregular heartbeat or even chocolate cravings? If so it’s possible you have a magnesium deficiency. As always with any health related problem your first port of call should be with your primary health care provider but if that’s drawn a blank it might be that you are low in magnesium. How much magnesium do I need every day? If you are female it’s 270mg a day and for men 300g (19-64)...
That Protein’s Chirpy Chirpy Choca Mocha Super Protein Wins Best in U.K. at The Nourish Awards !
How was it judged? The award was judged In a blind taste test by industry experts and rated by the taste, quality of ingredients and nutrition profile against other similar products.
“I’m now recommending this to my friends!” said one Judge.
The Chirpy Chirpy Choca Mocha Super Protein is a blend of Organic Plant Protein, Organic coffee and Organic Raw Cacao.
Perfect for making protein balls, adding to porridge or as a base for a protein shake!
That Protein hits the Headlines at Natural Products News!
Featured in the Natural Products Magazine -The Section on Food Focus Healthy Breakfast.
The health benefits (and myths) of coffee – it may even boost your workout!
Guest Blog by Nutritionist Rob Hobson These days scientists and health professionals are in agreement that a cup of Joe can actually benefit our health and may even help to improve your exercise performance. One way to reap the benefits of coffee is by including it in your daily protein shake. That Protein’s Chirpy Chirpy Choca Mocha Organic Super Protein contains real organic coffee so you can reap the benefits! Coffee may help you to live longer There has been a huge amount of interest surrounding coffee and the impact of caffeine on health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that...
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