that protein Vegan Protein Blog

5 More Facts About Coffee

5 More Facts About Coffee

Coffee is the third most consumed drink in the world but there are lots of interesting facts about coffee that you might not know! Here are 5 More Facts About Coffee. That Protein’s Award Winning Chirpy Chirpy Choc Mocha organic super protein contains real organic coffee. Coffee is actually a fruit! The coffee plant grows little red berries called coffee cherries. The seeds inside are what we know as coffee beans. The coffee plant also makes tea! Cascara or coffee cherry tea is a tea made from the dried skin of coffee cherries. Ethiopia is widely believed to be the birthplace of...

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5 Health Facts About Coffee (and yes it makes you faster !)

5 Health Facts About Coffee (and yes it makes you faster !)

Coffee is the third most consumed drink in the world! There are lots of interesting facts about coffee that you might not know! From helping you run faster to helping with fat loss here are 5 facts! That Protein’s Chirpy Chirpy Choca Mocha Organic Super Protein contains delicious real coffee. Coffee makes you run faster! It’s said a coffee before a race can make you run faster! In a 1500 m run a study found that regular coffee drinkers were 4.2 seconds faster than those drinking decaf. Coffee can help boost focus and boost short term memory. Caffeine has been shown in studies to...

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Why Only Some Oats Are Gluten Free

Why Only Some Oats Are Gluten Free

That Protein’s - Protein Porridges are gluten free. But surely all oats are gluten free - aren’t they? This is a question often asked about oats! Oats themselves ARE naturally gluten free BUT cross contamination of the oats can occur in the fields or during the manufacturing and packaging process. The oats may at these points come into contact with gluten containing ingredients like wheat,barley and rye and so will no longer be gluten free. Manufacturing gluten free oats requires specialised systems to ensure no traces of gluten are in the environment and that the oats do not become contaminated....

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Why Is Peanut Powder So Good For Me?

Why Is Peanut Powder So Good For Me?

That Protein’s Nutty Nutty Peanut Butter Super Protein is a delicious blend of peanut flour, plant protein, chia four and palmyra nectar. Here are a few facts on why peanuts and peanut flour are so good for you! Peanuts are protein powerhouses. They contain more protein than any other nut Peanut Flour is also a great source of gluten free vegan protein. Peanut flour contains around 50% protein. Protein is needed for the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Just 2 tablespoons of peanut flour is a good source of folate zinc and potassium 2 tablespoons of peanut flour is...

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