Why Coffee in Your Protein is a Good Thing!
Coffee. It's something you want to drink first thing in the morning, and it's definitely not something you would normally drink late at night or put into your protein shake… right? WRONG! Let me explain why coffee can actually be a staple for fitness enthusiasts and anyone else who wishes they had energy first thing in the morning: The caffeine content in coffee is extremely well known. It can help to increase energy and attention, making it a good option for early morning workouts or to perk you up when you're feeling lethargic in the afternoon or early evening. L-theanine,...
Chocolate, A Sweet History!
Chocolate is one of the oldest foods known to man. It has a long and varied history, and its popularity has had a significant impact on society. The word chocolate comes from the Aztec word xocolatl, which means "bitter water". The Aztecs first discovered chocolate when they found cacao beans in the rainforest. They believed that chocolate was a gift from the gods, and they used it to make a drink called chocolatete. European explorers first discovered chocolate in the 1500s, and they quickly began to import it back to Europe. At first, chocolate was only enjoyed by the wealthy...
that protein 3 ways t show yourself some love
3 Delicious Ways to use That Proteins I Heart Pumpkin And Chia Super Protein and show yourself the love. That Proteins I Heart Pumpkin and Chia Super protein makes a delicious heart ❤️ healthy breakfast. Try these recipes and show your heart some love ! High Protein Smoothie made with 250ml B12 fortified nut mylk 25g That Protein I Heart Pumpkin and Chia Super Protein, Handful berries blend well and drink immediately . Cup of green tea Banana and peanut Butter on Toast. High protein mini smoothie made with 150ml B 12 fortified nut mylk, 15g That...
that protein - 5 important reasons you should be eating oats!
5 Important Reasons You Should Be Eating Oats! We all know that porridge helps with heart health and is high in fibre but more information about other health benefits has recently come to light. 1. A new study of over 3000 people has shown that eating 3 portions of whole grains a day (and porridge is a whole grain) can reduce your waist size which makes it an ideal food to help with weight loss. 2. The study showed that eating porridge can help maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels 3. Oats are a...
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