It's Entirely Possible That This Is The Rarest Protein In The World!

It's entirely possible that that protein's raw and organic I Heart Pumpkin and Chia Seed Super Protein is the rarest protein in the world and if you've not yet discovered it read on...

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Eating for Energy.

Eating for Energy.

Carbohydrates are the main energy source for your brain and muscles. They are broken down in our gut and released into our blood stream as glucose. This glucose is used by our brain and muscles as fuel. By supplying our body the carbohydrate it needs at meal times, we are supplying it with the fuel necessary to maximise energy levels and minimise fatigue. The key to optimising energy levels is controlling your blood glucose levels. There are many ways of achieving this. Firstly, when it comes to carbohydrate, it’s important to consider how much you need to eat for your...

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Protein and Sports

Protein and Sports

The interest and knowledge gained in the area of protein in sport has grown dramatically over recent years. It has been known for a long time that in order to optimise the process of building bigger and stronger muscles, you have to increase the amount of protein in your diet. Newer research has revealed that it’s also important for recovery, adaptation to your training as well as achieving a healthy body fat percentage! For many years there has been debate about the total protein requirements of athletes, with many experts believing that daily needs depend on the type, frequency and...

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Have a Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day!

Have a Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day!

February 14th has become associated with hearts and chocolate so what better day to talk about the heart health benefits of raw cacao as found in that protein’s Blissful Brown Rice and Raw Cacao Super Protein? Lots of people will be giving and receiving chocolates for Valentine’s Day, but is it true that chocolate is actually good for your heart? The indigenous peoples of middle America have long believed that cacao was a gift from the gods and raw cacao was a mainstay of their diet. Cacao has more than 300 phytochemicals, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary nutrients such as...

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